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Our beliefs about God will determine what kind of life we lead.

Who are you God?  As believers, we worship an awesome Creator.  But, do we really know what He is like?  How can we recapture a sense of the majesty of God? I believe most believer have a hazy understanding of the character and nature of our God.  To try and capture the truth of who God is, seems like an impossible venture.  But, that is the desire of our Lord—to get to know Him. It is not enough for the Christian to know that God exists, we must be driven by a holy passion to know Who He is. From power, to justice, to goodness…join us as Ginny shares a prayerful and insightful teaching, how we can more fully recognize and appreciate each of these divine aspects of God.  Let’s take a glimpse into His Word to see what part of Himself He has chosen to reveal to His creation. 

#5 The Love of God
#8 A Call to Holiness Part 2
#11 God is All-Knowing
#1 Empowered by His Grace
#2 God's Ways are Just
#3 The Goodness of God Part 1
#4 The Goodness of God Part 2
#6 The Omnipotent God
#9 His Name is Faithful & True
#12 The Sovereignty of God
#7 The Holiness of God Part 1
#10 The Immutability of God
#13 God is Omnipresent
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