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Birthing The Son Of God

About a week ago while listening to a local Christian music station, I heard a song that spoke of the birth of Jesus. The name of the song is “Breath of Heaven”. In the song, Mary was singing to the Father about carrying His son. When I heard it, the Holy Spirit started to speak to me and this is the message I would like to share with you. But before I give you this message, I first want to share a miracle.

I wanted to tell you about this song but couldn’t remember the title or the words to it. I kept listening to the radio over the past two weeks hoping to hear it again so that I could write about it in this article. However, it never came on. So, after a week of pondering this message, I decided it was time to start writing, as time was running short. I was praying asking the Father that if this message was one that He really wanted me to talk about to please help me remember the words. As I was starting the second sentence of this article, guess what song came on the radio? Yes, “Breath of Heaven. I was able to even catch all the words that the Holy Spirit talked to me about that day in the car. Talk about a Holy Spirit surprise. God allowed that song to come on just as I stepped out in faith to write this article. So, I pray you will be as blessed with this as I was that day in the car when God gave me this awesome word.

We all know of the birth of Jesus and how the messenger angel Gabriel came to Mary to tell her she was to give birth to the Son of God but let’s read it in Luke 1:26-32.

And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. And the virgin's name was Mary. And the angel came in to her and said, Hail, one receiving grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women. And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and considered what kind of greeting this might be. And the angel said to her, Do not fear, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold! You shall conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call His name JESUS. He shall be great and shall be called the Son of the Highest. And the Lord God shall give Him the throne of His father David.

As I was listening to the song ‘Breath of Heaven’ in the car that day, I was pondering the wonderful experience that Mary had of carrying and giving birth to Jesus. Please read one stanza of the words to this song:

I have traveled many moonless nights Cold and weary, with a baby inside And I wonder what I’ve done Holy Father you have come And chosen me now To carry your Son

As I was listening, the Holy Spirit started speaking to me; “Ginny, I have also called you to carry my Son”. Those words struck me with such immensity that I began to weep. As born-again Christians, we are also spiritually pregnant with the Son of God. He has come to live within us. Mat 1:23 says that Jesus was to be called Emmanuel which means, “God with us”. So, at that time Jesus was only with us but now He has come to live within us so that we can give His life to others. We are to give birth to the Son of God everywhere we go. We are to birth Him into every situation in our lives. Jesus wants to be such a part of our lives that He chose to live in us so that we can carry Him to our family, friends, business associates and to those who have never heard His name.

The song has another stanza that adds a bit of a gracious touch to this article. It says, Do You wonder as You watch my face If a wiser one should have had my place But I offer all I am For the mercy of Your plan Help me be strong, help me

As I pondered these words, I told the Lord that I would never want Him to wonder if He should have picked someone else to carry His Son to the places that were planned for Him to reach. I wanted to be counted worthy to birth His Son wherever He might send me.

Now the question is, have you allowed God to use your body to birth His Son into this world? Have you given your body as a living, holy sacrifice to be used for His glorious purposes? He wants to use you for great and mighty things. Mary wasn’t the only one to be used for a great and mighty purpose. She fulfilled her destiny by saying yes to God; by allowing the Son of God to be conceived and birthed in her body. We all have a call to bring forth the Son of God to a dark, cold world; a world that needs so desperately to have a Savior to deliver them. Mary delivered Jesus in order for Jesus to deliver her. Share the reason for this season with all that you know and love. Encourage the despairing, lonely and forgotten souls; show them that they are love and cared about. Jesus, the love of heaven was born to die in order that we all might live. What a glorious Savior we have; what a glorious season to give thanks to the Father for sending His only begotten Son.

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