Enlarge Your Heart

While in India, the Lord showed me more than my heart could contain. As a result, He enlarged my heart to receive all that He would have me do. I felt like Nehemiah after he heard about the walls of Jerusalem being in ruin; he needed to do something about it.
Nehemiah was in a wealthy position within the palace of the King of Persia, yet upon the Lord moving his heart to do a work for Him, Nehemiah was willing to give it all up for the desires of his heavenly King. In Neh. 2:12, the word says, "And I arose in the night, I and some few men with me; neither told I any man what my God had put in my heart; to do at Jerusalem."
This is how I felt after spending four (4) weeks in India. God, what more can I do to further Your kingdom in India? I have been crying out to Him that He would be attentive to the prayers of His servant who fear His name and that He would grant me mercy to do all that He has called me to do.
Nehemiah rallied a few men to participate in what God wanted to accomplish in Jerusalem. God is now rallying good people to join with me to do what He wants to do in India. My prayer these days is taken from Nehemiah 1:6, "Let Your ear now be attentive, and Your eyes open, that You may hear the prayer of your servant, which I pray before You now day and night for the children of India Your servants."
Yes I personalize it because the pastors I met are servants of the Most High God who need help to accomplish the work God has placed in their hearts. What a joyous thing to have God place something of great importance in your heart. Has He ever done that for you and have you answered the call? Has He rallied a few good people to help you? He will call out those who are to help you as you decide to take up the challenge; as you decide to allow God to Enlarge Your Heart for a great and mighty purpose. We were made for a purpose. God has made us purpose-driven people. We are here on this earth as God's ambassadors of righteousness to do righteous acts. Life doesn't seem fulfilling unless we have a God given dream in our hearts and we are pursuing it.
What has God laid on your heart lately? Are you birthing it through prayers of intercession? Like Nehemiah, you have to go before the Father in fervent prayer and ask Him to be attentive to your prayers that need to be answered. You must ask for favor from the King to be released into your life.
Nehemiah's destiny was to rebuild Jerusalem. Many times our destiny is right before our eyes but we can't see it because our hearts won't allow us to think beyond our own creature comforts. Nehemiah had all the luxuries anyone could have or want. Yet his heart wasn't with the world, it was with his God and the desire of his God. He was able to release what was in his hand to receive what was in his heart; what God had placed in his heart. What a wonderful thing to be able to work with God for the fulfillment of your destiny which is actually His destiny for you.
I believe this is a time of release for God's people. Release yourself from all that this world has to offer to receive what is in the Father's heart for you. There is more at stake than you might think. Your destiny is waiting for you. Enlarge your heart to receive God's plan for your life. It's not a scary thing to do. It's a birthing in you of the destiny of an ambassador of Christ's.
Will you take the challenge? Nothing on earth will fulfill you like laboring with God in His plan to recapture the world for Jesus. In Ps 2:8, the Father says to the Son, "Ask of Me, and I shall give You the heathen for Your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession."
Will you allow God to birth your destiny in you? Will you allow the Holy Spirit to work through you to bring the unsaved to Jesus as His inheritance? I pray that you will release what is in your hand to obtain the thing God has placed in your heart.